We offer you information to help you first understand your benefits, secondly how to maximize your benefits so the desired retirement is actually a reality, not just an eligibility.

What does the code mean on your pay stub? What happens to FEGLI when you retire? How much are you overpaying now and will be in the future? These are all very good questions and one of our specialists will answer all your questions.

Thrift Savings Plan
Many Federal Employees know what the TSP does while they are working, but what about its main role in retirement? What are all the different options available for your TSP when you retire?
How Bespoke Helps
The system is confusing – it is our job to aid you in navigating the bureaucracy and technicals of the complicated federal benefit plans. Bespoke has over 20 years of experience working with Federal Employees from different agencies and different income brackets. We take your financial situation and long-term retirement goals and develop a proven financial strategy that works.
We value our clients and strive to far exceed their expectations. Our highly refined benefit-review process is designed to save you valuable time. Bespoke stands by your side from start to finish and provides continued support through yearly reviews.
Benefit Seminars
Bespoke conducts frequent seminars intended to aid Federal Employees in better understanding specific benefit programs. These seminars provide tremendous amounts of clarity for all attendees
We cover many topics in our seminars:
- Federal Employees Retirement System
- Thrift Savings Plan Analysis
- Social Security
- Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB)
- Medicare
- Long-Term Care Insurance Plan (FLTCIP)